“One Family’s Plunge from the Middle Class into Poverty”By Wil Haygood for the Washington PostNovember 19, 2010 The article tells the story of Chrissanda Walker. She was a nursing home executive until 2009, when she was laid off. She had done great things for the nursing home and was a very generous person to the patients and other people in her community. She would do things like give individual Christmas gifts to the patients and always over tip people for things such as cutting her hair. Her income went from a paycheck of 100,000 dollars to an unemployment benefit of 11,000. She tries to bring in extra cash by selling homemade dinners. The article describes in detail of her past life and how she is now trying everything she can to make ends meet. The article also mentions statistics of the poverty and unemployment rates of the U.S.. Chrissanda Walker is just one of the thousands of people that are losing their jobs, because of the poor economy.
The author clearly painted a picture of the life of Crissanda Walker. The article was written as a descriptive story, rather than a news article. Haygood could have taken his information and condensed it into a basic and detailed description of Walker’s fall into poverty, and added more of the informational statistics he included at the beginning of his writing throughout the article. As a reader, I would have found that format as a better explanation of his point and enjoyed reading the writing more.
Original Article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/18/AR2010111806065.html
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