Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Current Event : Week of 2/10

“As Egypt Protest Swells, U.S. Sends Specific Demands”
David D. Kirkpatrick
February 8, 2011

On Tuesday of this week the largest group of protesters gathered in the streets of Cairo, surrounding the Egyptian Parliament and participating in demonstrations and strikes in many cities. During these protests, more than 300 people have died. The protests are against the propaganda, such as state-run television networks and newspapers, that show the protesters as trying to cause conflicts, and “doing the bidding of foreign interests” . Though, through the protests, poverty and uproar that the people of Egypt have caused in the past few weeks, the Vice President, Omar Suleiman, as well as other government officials, are stating that the revolts are in the past. Suleiman, who is leading American-endorsed “orderly transition” says Mubarak, President of 30 years, has appointed an entirely new committee of judges and legal scholars to propose constitutional amendments. Though, this may seem like a positive, the members appointed are considered “Mubarak Loyalists”, the very people the people of Egypt want out of power. The Obama Administration, who have been committed to the transition in government ], tried to influence many details, such as the 30-year emergency law the government has been using to imprison leaders opposing Mubarak. Suleiman stated, the emergency law will be removed when “the situation justifies its repeal.” Even after saying this, the opposes, like journalists and human rights activists have been arrested in the past few days. He also said that there will not be an end to the regime or a coup, because it will cause chaos. Also, warning the protesters to stop their “extremely dangerous” disobedience, saying it would not be tolerated.

This article was very factual, and written in a way that seemed to me the author was trying to give the readers as many details as he could, in the least amount of pages. He has achieved his goal, if that is what it was. On the matter of the people of Egypt, I feel they have a right to protest. Their country is more like a dictatorship, than what “President” Mubarak has made it out to be. History repeats itself, that is how society grows and learns. Looking back through history, most of the revolutions have started out the same way, The American, French and Russian Revolutions had similar protests before the war for freedom itself broke out. In my opinion, I think that is where Egypt is headed at this point.

Original Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/09/world/middleeast/09egypt.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&sq=egypt&st=cse&scp=2

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