“Los Angeles at Odds With California Over Beach Curfews”
Ian Lovett
November 25, 2010
In Southern California, beach curfews are a common urban issue. The curfews were set in place in 1988 in Los Angeles and then spread throughout the rest of SoCal, the reason for placing the curfew was to put a stop to increasing crime on the beaches at night. The times the beach are to be closed were first set from midnight to 5 a.m., then after a few violent occurrences (a stabbing and a lifeguard almost being set on fire) the closing time was brought to 10 p.m. The curfew is highly debated between the police and The California Coastal Commission, a state agency. The Coastal Commission says that the people are being denied the right to the beach, which is state property. The Commission, which are in charge of making coastal access available to the public, mentioned the closings aren’t legal without approval from the Commission. The State Legislature stated the Commission overstepped it’s mandate, mentioned restricting it’s power and a bill was never passed. The police in Southern California say that the Commission is being insensitive to urban issues, by not taking into account the safety of the people who use the beach. Though gang activity has become less prominent near L.A. the police still has trouble controlling the beach, people sleep there often, and just as often assaults occur, a Sargent states that crime would “blow up” if there was not a curfew. As of now, officials have not shown any intentions of lifting or altering the curfew.
I think the curfew is a positive thing for the people and police of the Southern Californian beaches. The curfew prevents many crimes from happening and allows the police to focus on other crimes and not have to be patrolling the beach all hours of the day. Though the Coastal Commission says the people are being denied their rights I believe that were the issue presented to them most of the people would agree with the set curfew. The article sates that the issue may eventually end up in court, the Governer-elect will be appointing new commissioners and that will most likely help with the argument. Personally, I think the curfew should remain the same, it was put in place to protect the people of Southern Califorina and is working well to do so.
Original Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/26/us/26curfew.html?_r=2&sq=urban
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