Their name even explains the feelings that they bring to the stage in a live preformance and on a studio album. On September 29th 2009 their latest album "Crash Love". Though definately not one of my favorites this album does posess the essence that AFI has always brought through to capture people's mind and hearts. Havok's poetic lyrics touch people in more ways than one, while Carson, Burgan and Puget's musical talents draw any listener in, craving for more. Check it out at:
On October 10th I travelled to The Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ to see a live preformance. After waiting from 11am to 6:30pm the DF members were given their wristbands and were let inside. As the people entered the room started to become hot with the heat from 200+ bodies. Coming to the barricade, waiting with friends and being pressed tight to the walls from the capacity we waited for the show to start The opener was British band Gallows ( Quite honestly I didn't think that they would be that good. They quickly proved me wrong. The opening song enough got me hooked. When Frank (singer) dove into the crowd halfway through the set and crawled around for the rest of it the band instantly made it's way onto my top 10 list. Then a half hour later AFI took the stage. With the opening song from the new album the crowd was full of energy fuled by the band, the band fuled by our energy. Including a girl who was so hyped up she attempted to overtake my sopt by elbowing me in the neck. She did not succeed. The setlist was quite good including some treats from older albums and favorites from the new. Complete with a dive and headwalk into the crowd during "The Leaving Song Pt II". What was really amazing from this show is that AFI had a special appearance from a very influential musician. Just before their son "Kill Caustic" began Davey called out their guest. Lou Kollar from Sick Of It All took the stage he added vocals onto the song, as well as his screams ripping through the venue mixing with Havok's. The band included some favorite slow songs into the set (The Leaving Song & On The Arrow) Picking up the pace again with "Death Of Seasons" with Burgan's notable bass solo intro, finishing up with a classic Havok move, climbing on the speakers to cast a spell with wrenching a scream from deep in his throat. Coming back for an encore after "Love Like Winter" with a covering a song from The Cure (Just Like Heaven), another well-known-new-age AFI song "Miss Murder" and closing with a classic "Silver & Cold". When the show was over the crowd was full of smiles from the wonder of the two outstanding preformances.
Torch Song
Girl's Not Grey
The Leaving Song Pt II
Veronica Sawyer Smokes
Ever & A Day Kill Caustic (w/h Lou Kollar)
End Transmission
Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
Beautiful Theives
Dancing Through Sunday
The Leaving Song
On The Arrow
Death Of Seasons
Love Like Winter
Just Like Heaven (Cover)
Miss Murder
Silver & Cold

On October 20th I traveled to Scranton, PA for a signing. Davey had come down with the flu so he was not in attendance to sign items for the fans. Even though there was an absence the signing still went on. Each member of the band was so sweet. They are all very kind people and showed an intrest in what each person was saying. Of course I did something rediculous, as always.. My Art Of Drowning booklet fell off of my vinyl while I was walking away. I didn't hear Hunter or Jade calling my name, Smith had to track me down and give it back to me. I felt awful. Smith was wonderful, thank you Smith. On October 21st there was to be a show in Scranton. This show was cancelled due to Davey's illness.
On November 12th I drove down to The Electric Factory, Philidelphia, PA to see another show. After forgetting my coat, meeting up with friends, given a blanket by a generous friend, missing a chance to meet the band and waiting two hours we were finally given out Despair Faction Gold Wristbands and let indoors. I ended up in the same place as before, right at the barricade in front of the bassist's side of stage with almost all of the same friends(-2,+2). The opener was once again Gallows. However, their singer was incredibly ill this time(tours take a toll on immune systems). Even with being sick the entire band gave it their all and put on a fantastic preformance. You could hrdly tell that a key member (they are all key members) was sick through preforming, though, when he spoke he sounded awful. AFI took the stage again with "Torch Song" and "Girl's Not Grey". The setlist (one of the best setlists this tour) took a different, and amazing turn by continuing with two new age songs after and then a very old crowd-pleasing song "Triple Zero" from Shut Your Mouth And Open Your Eyes. Also covering "Values Here" originally from Dag Nasty (I almost cried, I was so happy). The added some sloe songs again and brought the energy back up with "The Missing Frame" "Death Of Seasons" and the new single "Medicate". Coming back on after "Love Like Winter" with an encore of "6 to 8" (Ahhhhh!!!!!), Miss Murder and closing with "Silver & Cold".
Torch Song
Girl's Not Grey
Kill Caustic
Too Shy To Scream
Triple Zero
The Leaving Song Pt II
End Transmission
Values Here (Cover)
Beautiful Theives
Dancing Through Sunday
The Leaving Song
On The Arrow
The Missing Frame
Death Of Seasons
Love Like Winter
6 to 8
Miss Murder
Silver & Cold
Video credit to xoxlagrimaxox